
18 November 2003: First release of OrganTool. This was the 16-bit version, developed with a win 3.1 development system. It included two lists of 15 midi out channels, each channel with a configurable preset and midi-in channel. The preset texts could be loaded from disk by reading an SF2 file. For all midi channels, the same bank had to be selected.

2 December 2003: Release of OrganTool version 2.0. OrganTool was ported to Delphi7.0. Together with this some new features were introduced, namely:

11 December 2003: Release of OrganTool version 2.1, this version includes the following new features:

17 December 2003: OrganTool Version 2.11: Bug fix: bank inputs didn't allow bank 0

24 December 2003: Release of Organizer version 1.0

31 December 2003: Organizer version 1.1, includes the following changes:

11 Januari 2004: Organizer Version 1.2, includes the following changes:

9 Februari 2004: Organizer Version 1.21/Organtool Version 2.2, includes the following changes:

25 Februari 2004: Organizer Version 1.3, includes the following changes:

28 Februari 2004: Organizer Version 1.31, includes the following changes: